Editor in Chief Stephanie Bianco
Produced by RCSJSV
Meeting 1st and 3rd Fridays at Noon
Zoom ID: 880 9178 0972 Join Us
Password: 888548
Guest Speaker DG Richard Flanders
Welcome 2021-22 District 5170 Governor, Richard Flanders
Richard was District 5160 Group Study Exchange Team Leader, leading the District’s Group Study Exchange Team to District 3350 in Thailand. He has chaired Group Study Exchange Committee and Rotary Foundation Scholarship Committee in Districts 5170 and 5160. In District 5170, he has chaired District Vocational Service Committee, District Rotary Foundation Alumni Committee, District Rotary Foundation Permanent Fund/Major Gifts Committee, District Avenues of Service Dinner, District 5170 Conference, and The Richard D. King Tribute Dinner, honoring Past Rotary International President Richard D. King for his 50th year of Service in Rotary. He served as a member of the Rotary International New Generation Membership Committee and Rotary International Special Services Committee. He also served as a Member of the Peace Major Gift Initiative with The Rotary Foundation in 2019-2020.
Rotary District 5170 has presented him with the “Lead The Way” Award in 2007 for his commitment to the Service of Rotary, the Neal J. Hoffman Award in 2008 for the most outstanding younger Rotarian in the district who has shown exemplary leadership skills in their club and/or the district, the Karl Stucki Award in 2015 for Rotarian in the District who exemplifies the Greatest Commitment to Rotary Ideals, and the Richard D. King Award in 2018 for the Rotarian in the District who makes the greatest personal commitment to the programs of The Rotary Foundation. He is also a recipient of the Rotary Foundation Citation for Meritorious Service Award.
Richard is an attorney practicing in Alameda, California. He belongs to Alameda County Bar Association. He volunteers with the Alameda County Superior Court as a settlement officer and assisting self-represented litigants at hearings. Richard and his wife Florence have girl/boy twins, Brennyn and Ryson.
Club Meetings
(Virtual / In-person)
At Kris Myers home
1619 Tiffany Way
San Jose, CA 95125
BYOL (bring your own lunch!)
Kris will provide drinks, dessert &paper plates
Aug 20: Palermo’s Italian Restaurant
Aug 27: Social, details to follow
Duty Roster
SAA: Trixie Johnson
-- Pledge of Allegiance
--Thought of the day
-- Happy/Sad $:$:
Zoom Host: Kris Myers
Note from the Editor
If you have happy/sad events you would like to announce tyo the club, send me an email for the upcoming newsletter.
Members are on the honor system. Mail your contribution to the treasurer at the start of each month for the previous month
payable to Rotary SJSV
c/o Brian Bianco
17995 Laurel Wood Lane
Morgan Hill, CA 95037
Foundation Board 2021-22
Chair: Jill Meyers
President: Carol Goedde
President Elect: Geri Hall
Treasurer (non-voting): Brian Bianco, George Uccelli
Member: Kris Myers
Member: Keri Rees
Member: Stephanie Bianco
Member: Lou Bash
Leadership 2021-22
President: Carol Goedde
President-Elect: Geri Hall
Past President: Jill Meyers
Secretary: Janette Rosales
Treasurer: Brian Bianco
Director(1 yr): Diana Reinhart
Director(2 yr): Lou Bash
Director(2 yr): Diony Callo
Director(2 yr): Trixie & Doug Johnson
Steph Bianco completed the art on the second Read thru Rotary lending box and delivered it to Carol Goedde. The box is to go into a planter pot to comply with the movability specifications of Grant Elementary School.
We need donated paint. We are looking for water base, indoor/outdoor, latex or acrylic. Basic, bright colors will work best. If anyone wants to participate, please contact Carol or Janette. This is a project that offers a lot of opportunity for members and friends to participate and have some fun.
Hunger at Home
STOP, Need volunteers for 9/11 & 9/25
Check your Calendars and volunteer. We need help at 1560 Berger Drive in San Jose
Our club participaties with other volunteers in preparing grocery boxes for residents in need. Time slots are for two-hour (7:45-9:45 am) or fourhour (7:45-11:45am) shifts on Saturdays.
If interested, please contact Brian Bianco at bianco5479@ gmail.com or (408) 309-3480) to get on the list and receive general instructions. Brian informs the volunteer coordinator of our participation.
We have invited our area Rotaractors to join in the effort
Clean Creeks Coalition
The Rotary club of San Jose Silicon Valley joins with the Clean Creek Coalition to assist in their mission to Reclaim, Restore & Revitalize our watershed. Volunteer opportunities are available for these date(s) and location(s)
• Saturday, Sep 11, 2021 - Cleanup on Bascom Ave Bridge to Los Gatos Creek Trail.
Volunteers need to register for the event through the on-line link at https://sbcleancreeks.com
Volunteers are asked to arrive by 8:45 am for a safety presentation. We will be providing trash pick-up tools, trash bags, gloves. Please bring your own water container and water! We ask everyone to wear heavy soled shoes, long pants, hat and sunscreen. The work will begin at 9:00 am running through 11:00 am.
If interested or have questions, contact Janette Rosales. (408) 772-5059
District 5170
Rotary International
Join us for 2022 Rotary Convention: Discover New Horizons, 4-8 June 2022.
Registration is now open.
Book your group rate room at https://bit.ly/rotary22districthotel
by September 14, 2021