MEETING First Fridays at NOON on ZOOM
Our upcoming club meeting will be on March 14 at Noon
Friend and fellow Rotarian Ken McLaughlin passed away on February 11. Ken was a founding member of our club and had a huge presence in Rotary. In lieu of our next regular club meeting on March 14, we will hold an informal memorial for Ken.
The memorial will begin at our usual meeting time of 12:00 PM at the Santa Clara Triton Museum of Art, 1505 Warburton Ave, Santa Clara, CA 95050. This will be conducted as a hybrid meeting for those who cannot attend in person.
We invite all attendees to share their remembrances and stories about Ken. As a result, our meeting could run longer than usual. This meeting will be recorded for later viewing for those who have conflicts.
Follow this link to replay a recent speaker presentation
Ukraine Update: Stories From The Field Volunteers